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Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
I am Abu Hafidz Al Farizi. Born in Bandung on February 16, 2004. Still a student, who at the same time has a career as an animator. Keystu Animation is one of my works. and this Moky music is both. Youth who have a dream of success before the age of 25 years. And the goal of young marriage

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
I am Abu Hafidz Al Farizi. Born in Bandung on February 16, 2004. Still a student, who at the same time has a career as an animator. Keystu Animation is one of my works. and this Moky music is both. Youth who have a dream of success before the age of 25 years. And the goal of young marriage

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  JANGAN NGELUH TERUS, SKUY MOVE ON Wajar banget kalo kalian sering ngeluh, ga papa kok namanya juga manusia. Saya ngeluh, kalian ngeluh, ...

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